While we acknowledge that digital design is the most prominent medium for telling your story nowadays, we believe that printed design still has its unique features and functionalities, such as the tactile aspect. So it is clear that Zero21 still has a passion for print design, such as in the Anzac Centenary information package.
The Anzac Centenary is a four-year event to commemorate that the First World War (WWI) happened exactly 100 years ago. Every Primary and Secondary student will get an information pack that communicates the history and stories of the Victorian soldiers who fought in WWI.
Develop an information toolkit consisting of three booklets and a commemoration medal, celebrating the end of WWI.
The concept behind the design of the booklets is to create a feeling of personal attachment and nostalgia – the booklets feel like family photo books. The understated design in predominantly grey-tones also creates intimacy.
The ribbons of the WWI medals add colour to counterbalance the black and white photography with strong meaning – the medals are the visual testimony of the soldiers’ and nurses’ heroism and suffering.